What are The Main Components of Boiler?
2021 / 10 / June
- Furnace chamber: to ensure that the boiler fuel is burned out and the outlet flue gas temperature is cooled to a value at which the convection heating surface can work safely.
- Coal saver: use the heat of the flue gas at the end of the boiler to heat the feed water in order to reduce the exhaust temperature and play a role in saving fuel.
- The pot: the boiler heating surfaces are linked together and and water-cooled walls, descending tubes, etc. to form a water circulation loop. Pot storage steam, can adapt to changes in load, internal steam separation device to ensure the quality of steam, DC boilers without pot.
- Water-cooled wall: the main radiating heating surface of the boiler, absorbing radiant heat from the furnace, heating the mass, protecting the furnace wall, etc.
- Combustion equipment: the fuel and combustion air required to feed the furnace and make the fuel fire stable, good combustion.
- Air preheater: heating the air for fuel to enhance ignition and combustion; absorbing flue gas waste heat, reducing the exhaust temperature and improving boiler efficiency.
- The furnace wall: is the protective shell of the boiler, play a sealing and insulation role. Small boilers of heavy furnace wall can also play a role in supporting the boiler components.
- Frame: support and fixed boiler parts.